Success Avenue Property Consultancy

Property, Prosperity, Financial, Investment

  • Retire wealthy
  • Come out of 9-5 job cycle
  • Enjoy family time
  • Pay off your mortgage in 10 years
  • Save 1000s of dollars in tax

Property Investment Consultancy

Your advisor and companion in the journey of property investment & wealth creation.

“Success Avenue Consulting” is a result driven property investment consultancy, working exclusively with our clients to build financial wealth through our tailored and unique investment strategies. We set our clients on the path of financial success, allowing them to leverage our expertise and proven track record to build a sustainable, high performance property portfolio. We support our investors with ongoing guidance and direction from our dedicated property investment strategist. We know first-hand the benefits of holding property over the long term – but we also know it’s a big commitment and not one to be taken lightly.

That’s why our approach also focuses on education: ensuring that our potential investors are well informed about investment concepts, processes, strategies, market fluctuations, historical data and costs incurred with a property purchase.

Building an investment portfolio is not a one size fits for all kind of approach. Everyone is in a different financial position depending on assets, age and cash flow position, and therefore have different retirement goals.

We have designed and implemented a unique 6 step process that allows us to give our clients the best advice, based upon personal circumstance, to build a property portfolio and achieve their personal financial goals.

Property Investment Consultancy

Your advisor and companion in the journey of property investment & wealth creation.

“Success Avenue Consulting” is a result driven property investment consultancy, working exclusively with our clients to build financial wealth through our tailored and unique investment strategies. We set our clients on the path of financial success, allowing them to leverage our expertise and proven track record to build a sustainable, high performance property portfolio. We support our investors with ongoing guidance and direction from our dedicated property investment strategist. We know first-hand the benefits of holding property over the long term – but we also know it’s a big commitment and not one to be taken lightly.

That’s why our approach also focuses on education: ensuring our potential investors are well informed about investment concepts, processes, strategies, market fluctuations, historical data and costs incurred with a property purchase.

Building an investment portfolio is not a one size fits all approach. Everyone is in a different financial position dependent on assets, age and cash flow position, and therefore have different retirement goals.

We have designed and implemented a unique 6 step process that allows us to give our clients the best advice, based upon personal circumstance, to build a property portfolio and achieve their personal financial goals.

Mission and Vision

At Success Avenue Consulting, our mission is to provide our clients with cohesive, consolidated guidance that is aligned to their goals.
We strive for our client’s success as we believe “Our growth is aligned with our client’s growth” and “Our client’s success is our success”.

Chaturbhuj (Chat) Singla – Mentor, Investor and Founder

Chat is a property investor, mentor to his clients and founding director of Success Avenue Consulting Pty Ltd. Chat has more than 20 years’ experience of property investment in different geographies including India, Africa, Dubai & Australia and himself owns a multimillion-dollar portfolio across all these countries. Chat has been a property enthusiast since childhood as he inherited the knowledge from his family. Chat and his family are into this property investing journey for more than 5 decades. Chat is a and MBA by education. He has worked in Top management with big cooperates like LG, Bosch etc for 12 years in different parts of the world. During his co-operate journey he travelled across the globe thus acquiring and growing his property portfolio.

Chat started his foray into the real estate industry when he came to Australia. Initially he worked with successful groups and individuals to acquire knowledge and gain insight into the Australian property market and cycle. Clubbed together with his years of experience as a successful property investor, Chat established his name in the property circles very quickly and with ease. Chat has established Success Avenue with the sole objective of following his passion of property investment by empowering people to achieve their financial freedom through property investment and retire wealthy.

Chat goes by the following mantra:

“Don’t wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and wait.”
– Robert G. Allen

To embark on your journey towards financial freedom

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