Success Avenue Property Consultancy

Property, Prosperity, Financial, Investment

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  • Save 1000s of dollars in tax

What is a
Dual Key Property?

A dual key property is one that has two rental streams under one roof. Usually, there is either a 3 or 4 bed unit, accompanied by another full self-contained 1 or 2 bed unit, with a separate entrance. They are usually on one title and cannot be sold off separately like a duplex that is strata titled.

What is a
Dual Key Property?

A dual key property is one that has two rental streams under one roof. Usually, there is either a 3 or 4 bed unit, accompanied by another full self-contained 1 or 2 bed unit, with a separate entrance. They are usually on one title and cannot be sold off separately like a duplex that is strata titled.

Why invest in a Dual Key Property?

High Rental Yield:

  • A dual key property has a higher rental yield when compared to other types of properties. It generally gives a rental yield of anywhere between 5% and 7% which is considered a fantastic rental yield.

Positive Cashflow:

  • A positive cash flow property is an investment property that gives you a bigger return than it costs you to own. Many property markets have recently been boosted by the combination of low interest rates and high rental rates due to the housing shortage, which have interplayed to create more opportunities for positive cash flow property investment. A dual key property can give you up to $15K positive cashflow!

Two Incomes:

  • Since you can build two properties on a single plot of land, you can rent it out to two different tenants which means two incomes!

Tax Benefits:

  • With dual key apartments still comparatively newer in the Australian market, they have huge upsides when it comes to tax. Consulting us would give you an in-depth idea of all the tax benefits you can avail.

High Rental Income:

  • With a dual key property you can get a rental of anywhere between $620 and $800 every single week! This means that every month you can get a steady income of approximately upto $3.3K per month and $40K per year only via rent!

Properties starting:

  • Properties starting @ $550K in upcoming and rapidly growing areas of australia!

What is a
Duplex Property?

A duplex property is two adjoining properties on the different title, in the majority of the cases. A duplex is a house containing two homes that share a common central wall.

Why invest in a Duplex Property?

Instant Equity Upto $200K:

  • There is instant equity anywhere between $90K and $200K when you invest in a duplex property! You can invest that sum in another property that helps you to build up your property portfolio.

High Rental Yield:

  • A duplex property too, like dual key property, has a high rental yield. It generally gives a rental yield of anywhere between 5% and 7% which is also considered a great rental yield.

Positive Cashflow:

  • A positive cash flow property is an investment property that gives you a bigger return than it costs you to own. Many property markets have recently been boosted by the combination of low interest rates and high rental rates due to the housing shortage, which have interplayed to create more opportunities for positive cash flow property investment. A dual key property can also give you up to $15K positive cashflow! Our consultants will be able to guide you and give you exact cash flow figures in a one on one chat!

High Rental Income:

  • With a  duplex  property you can get a rental income anywhere between from $600 – $1,100 pw depending upon the location and configuration of the property.

Properties starting:

  • Properties starting @ $650K in upcoming and rapidly growing areas of australia!

What is

Co-living is a residential model that accommodates multiple tenants where they have their personal room space but share common communal areas.

Since its emergence in the 2000s, the co-living asset class has demonstrated consistent growth over the years. The increasing cost of living and lack of affordable housing options in many urban cores across has led to the rapid growth in demand for co-living spaces.

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Why invest in a co-living?

  • Negative gearing can offer property investors tax benefits.

  • Co-living is the next gen in residential investment property since currently the student and working adult population is ~ 35.2% of the Australian population, which makes investing in co-living a favourable option! More than 1/4th of the Australian population is dynamic and unattached and always on the go!

  • Co-living increases rental returns by up to 7-10 %! Every square metre is optimised for rental returns which keeps the cycle of positive cashflow going!

  • Multiple rental agreements in a co-living home reduces the risk of occupancy downtime. As a homeowner renting out their apartment, one of the biggest causes for concern is the sudden departure of your tenant. Not only does it upset your regular cycle, but it also provides the added pressure of finding an immediate replacement to keep rental revenue going.

  • Another bonus of investing in a co-living space is the guarantee of having a steady income from your investment, in the form of the co-living space. Leasing out multiple units ensures that your home is never left unoccupied, given the demand for co-living spaces in the market, presently. Which brings us back to the point above, that it would eliminate the threat of sudden vacancies, hence dip in passive or rental income.

  • A constant worry while renting out an apartment is the wear and tear that will be inflicted by your tenants. However in the co-living model, your home will be spared of the excessive brunt of living damages, as a co-living rental leases generally have a strict anti-damages restriction clause and renters may even be penalised healthily for any harm caused to the property, thereby discouraging tenants from being careless.

  • Co-living ensures that your real estate investment stays an asset, giving you steady returns and doesn’t become a dead investment. Investing in co-living makes for a dynamic investment opportunity.

For more benefits and information on co-living, consult our expert property strategists now!